"Au fil du temps, je rencontre mon monde pictural. Je dis rencontre, car rien n'y est jamais prémédité, prédestiné.
Je découvre et apprends où j'ai le désir d'aller selon ce que suggère la première tache de couleur déposée sur la toile.
Cette tache est mon fil d'Ariane.
Avant cette première tache, il y a la toile de lin, souvent ancienne, choisie pour sa texture, fine ou rugueuse.
L'encollage à chaud, qui tend la toile comme une peau de tambour sur le châssis.
L'enduit cuisiné selon l'humeur , au blanc d"Espagne, au blanc de titane, ou zinc.
Ou au noir, de plus en plus souvent, et qui propose déjà une lumière différente.
Puis la tache se répand, voile et révèle les plans , les accidents , les aspérités, et j'assiste, plus que je n'agis au début d'une histoire dans laquelle je suis invité, et parfois malmené.
C'est d'abord comme une promenade où je m'arrète sur les évènements révélés sur chaque anecdote.
Puis l'histoire se construit, en mouvement d'espaces célestes, en mouvements telluriques, en activités cellulaires, organiques,
en flottements, immersions, jaillissements.
Ici rien n'est jamais vraiment identifiable,sauf la vie, dans la lenteur de sa construction, ou dans sa fulgurance.
Comme la rouille qui fleurit et dévore, la fumée qui s'accroche, l'érosion, tout ce qui mène les corps à une transformation faite de traces, de mémoires. A une re-naissance aussi, comme les volcans dévastent en créant de nouvelles îles.
Chaque fois c'est un instant qui est représenté.
Un état, comme une humeur. Rien n'est linéaire, continu : il n'y pas de thématique, seule compte la contemplation.
Je crois, moi aussi, que la peinture n'existe que par le regard de la personne qui s'y arrète et entre dans cet espace privé, intemporel, paysage mental, espace onirique ou lieu de légende.: tout ce qui nous construit participe à cette contemplation.
L'abstraction est la forme qui me convient, bien que je n'aime pas les catégories en général!
J'aime la figuration, mais elle me limite trop au sujet, à la narration.
Je crois que seul Turner a réussi la dépasser vraiment, à la sublimer dans quelques oeuvres.
Idéalement, j'aimerais faire entendre au regardeur la musique contenue dans chaque toile, celle que j'entends, moi!".
Jean-Paul Dewynter
" Over time, I meet my pictorial world. I say meeting, because nothing is planned there ever, predestined.
I discover and learn where I have the desire to go according to what the first spot of colour put down on the canvas suggests.
This spot is my Ariadne's thread.
Before this first spot, there is a linen, often former, chosen as the texture, fine or rough.
The hot glue, which tightens the painting as a drum skin on the frame.
The filler cooked according to the humor, to the white d " Spain, to the white of titanium, or zinc.
Or to the black, more and more often, and who already proposes a different light.
Then the spot spreads, veils and reveals the plans, the accidents, the harshness, and I assist, more than I act at the beginning of a story in which I am invited, and sometimes manhandled.
It is at first as a walk.
Then the story builds itself, in movement of celestial spaces, in telluric movements, in cellular, organic activities, in floatings, dumpings, gush.
Here nothing is ever really recognizable, except the life, in the slowness of its construction, or in its fulgurance.
As the rust which blooms and devours, the smoke which hangs on, the erosion, all which leads bodies to a transformation made by tracks, by reports. In a revival also, as volcanoes destroy by creating new islands.
Every time it is the moment which is represented.
A state, as a humor. Nothing is linear, continuous: it not there no theme, only counts the pondering.
I believe, too, that the painting exists only by the look of the person which arrète to it and enters this private, timeless space, mental landscape, dreamlike space or place of légende.: all which builds us participle in this pondering.
The abstraction is the shape which suits me, although I do not like the categories generally!
I like the representation, but it limits me too much to the subject, to the story.
I believe that only Turner managed to exceed it really, to sublimate it in some works.
Ideally, I would like to make listen in the regardeur the music contained in every painting, the one that I hear(understand), me! ".
" Over time, I meet my pictorial world. I say meeting, because nothing is planned there ever, predestined.
I discover and learn where I have the desire to go according to what the first spot of colour put down on the canvas suggests.
This spot is my Ariadne's thread.
Before this first spot, there is a linen, often former, chosen as the texture, fine or rough.
The hot glue, which tightens the painting as a drum skin on the frame.
The filler cooked according to the humor, to the white d " Spain, to the white of titanium, or zinc.
Or to the black, more and more often, and who already proposes a different light.
Then the spot spreads, veils and reveals the plans, the accidents, the harshness, and I assist, more than I act at the beginning of a story in which I am invited, and sometimes manhandled.
It is at first as a walk.
Then the story builds itself, in movement of celestial spaces, in telluric movements, in cellular, organic activities, in floatings, dumpings, gush.
Here nothing is ever really recognizable, except the life, in the slowness of its construction, or in its fulgurance.
As the rust which blooms and devours, the smoke which hangs on, the erosion, all which leads bodies to a transformation made by tracks, by reports. In a revival also, as volcanoes destroy by creating new islands.
Every time it is the moment which is represented.
A state, as a humor. Nothing is linear, continuous: it not there no theme, only counts the pondering.
I believe, too, that the painting exists only by the look of the person which arrète to it and enters this private, timeless space, mental landscape, dreamlike space or place of légende.: all which builds us participle in this pondering.
The abstraction is the shape which suits me, although I do not like the categories generally!
I like the representation, but it limits me too much to the subject, to the story.
I believe that only Turner managed to exceed it really, to sublimate it in some works.
Ideally, I would like to make listen in the regardeur the music contained in every painting, the one that I hear(understand), me! ".
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